Home > Curriculum > Pubblicazioni in collane e riviste straniere
In Partibus Angliae: Images of the “Common Law” in Italian Legal Culture, in Mediterranean journal of Human Rights, vol. 5, 2001
Trading on line and the protection of the Consumer, in Kluwer Law International, 2002
European private Law: Results, Projects and Hopes, in EBLR, vol 14.n. 4 ,2003
Harmonisation of Contract Law and the Plan for a European Civil Code , in EBLR, vol. 15 , n. 1, 2004
Mergers: Remedies and Freedom of Contract, in EBLR, vol. 15, n. 2, 2004
The Harmonisation of the EC Law of Financial markets in the Perspective of Consumer protection, in EBLR, vol. 15, n.3, 2004
A Glance at Unfair Terms in Italy and the United Kingdom, in EBLR, vol. 15, n. 5, 2004
Rules on Competition and Fair Trading, in H. Collins (ed.) The Forthcoming EC Directive on Unfair and Commercial practices, 91-110, Kluwer Law International, 2004
New perspectives in the Protection of Consumers: A general Overview and some Criticism on
Financial Services, in EBLR, vol. 16, n.4, 2005
Commercial Contracts: Freedom,Pratice and Rules in Italian Law, in EBLR, vol. 16, n. 6, 2005
The British Contribution to Italian legal Thinking, in The British Contribution to the Europe of the Twenty-First century, edited by B. Markesinis, 2002
Tradition and Europeanization in Italia Law, BIICL, 2005
Compensation for personal Injury in English, German and Italian Law, A Comparative Outline, B.Markesinis, M. Coester, G. Alpa, A. Ullstein, CSICL, 2005
The Administration of justice and the Role of Lawyers, in EBLR, vol. 17, n. 4, 2006
Basil Markesinis, Comparative law in the Courtroom and Classroom, Book Reviews G. Alpa, in ICLQ, vol. 55, part 2, 2006
The Age of Rebuilding, Sketches of the new Italian Private Law, ICLQ Editor, 2007
Italian Private Law, G. Alpa e V. Vincenzo Zeno Zencovich , Cavendish, 2007
Notes on transparency in Banking and Financial Services and Transaction, in EBLR, 1, 2007
Le code de commerce et l’Italie: quelques réflexions sur l’histoire et les perspectives du droit commercial, in Rev. int. de droit comparé, n. 2, 2007
Grundlagen des Europäischen Privatrechts, G. Alpa e M. Andenas, Springer, 2009
What is private law ? PAC, 2010
Markets and comparative law, BIICL, 2010
Autonomie des parties et libertè contractuelle, aujourd’hui , in Revue des contrats, avril 2009
Compensation for personal Injury in English, German and Italian Law, A Comparative Outline, B.Markesinis, M. Coester, G. Alpa, A. Ullstein, CSICL, 2 ed. 2011
Towards a European Contract Law, in Towards a European Contract Law Edited by Reiner Schulze, Jules Stuyck, Sellier, 2011
Gli obblighi informativi precontrattuali nei contratti di investimento finanziario. Per l’armonizzazione dei modelli regolatori e per l’uniformazione delle regole di diritto comune, in Leçons du Droit Civil. Mélanges en l’honneur de François Chabas, Bruylant, 2011
The Common Frame of Reference and the Europeanization of the Private Law, in Liber Amicorum Mário Frota, A causa dos direitos dos consumidores, Almedina, 2011
Réflexions sur le dommage contractual. Philologie, conceptualisme et problems d’harmonisation du droit, in Revue intern. de droit compare, n. 4, 2011
Compensation in Contract, in Mads Andenas and Kåre Lilleholt (eds), Remedies and Substantive Law European Dimensions of Economic and Private Law, University of Oslo Faculty of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series No. 2011-18
Cesl, Fundamental Rights, General Principles, Rules of Contract Law, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, fasc.4, 2012
Les principles directeurs dans les avant-projets de réforme européens, in Revue des contrats, 1, 2013
Competition of Legal Systems and Harmonization of European Private Law, Sellier 2013
Autonomie des parties et choix d’une loi étrangère applicable au contrat “national”, in Rev. intern. De droit compare, n.1, 2014
El contrato en general, Principios y problemas, Prologo de Juan Espinoza Espinoza, Insitituo Pacifio, 2015
Réflexions sur le projet français de réforme du droit des contrats, in Revue international de droit compare, n. 4, 2015
La responsabilidad civil. Parte general, traducion Cesar Moreno More, Legales, 2016
European Private Law, Conceptions and Definitions of Contract, in EBLR, vol. 27, 2016
Le rôle de l’avocat dans les modes alternatifs de resolution des conflits en Italie (à propos de la loi du 10 novembre 2014, n. 162), in RDC, 10, 2016
Arbitration and ADR. Reforms in Italy, in Dir.comm. internazionale, 2, 2017
The Making of Consumer Law and Policy in Europe and Italy, in EBLR, 4, 2018
General Remarks on Civil Liability in the European Context, in European Private Law, 4, 201